"I AM"...Divine ...It is within all of us to achieve this Enlightened state of Divinity!
"I AM"...Divine ...It is within all of us to achieve this Enlightened state of Divinity!
Welcome to Divine Healing Energy!
I am Beverly Stickley, I am a Women's Empowerment Coach and Theta Healer Practitioner. If you are here at this website, then you are already on your new path to wellness with the discovery of Theta Healing, Intuitive Energy Scanning and Chakra Alignment and Balancing!
Divine Healing Energy - Wellness and Empowerment Goals:
- Revitalize Your Vitality and Youth with Advanced DNA Theta Healing
- Reconnect You at a Core, Genetic, History and Soul Level
- Realign and Balance Your Chakras with a Guided Meditation
- Rejuvenate you to allow you to Enjoy Life and Be at Peace with a Soul Retrieval
Beverly is here to support, heal and empower you to achieve a more balanced state of wellness, discover a life of passion and joy and experience an increased level of intuition, higher consciousness and abundance.
At Divine Healing Energy of Halifax, Nova Scotia, Beverly’s professional services include Advanced DNA Theta Healing, Chakra Alignment & Balancing, Soul Retrieval, Heart Healing Empowerment Sessions and Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT).
She will connect with your energy center chakras and universal source energy and work with you, to release stuck energy, clear toxic beliefs and heal old wounds at the level that is no longer serving you.
If you feel you are ready to receive guidance, support and healing, make an appointment by calling 902-465-4824 or schedule a clarity session below:
You can also email me or opt-in above: Join my email list for updates and monthly Wellness articles, Women's Empowerment Blogs and receive a free e-book - "Open Your Heart to A New Life - A Three Step Formula to Embrace Your Intuition”!
Love and Sparkly Blessings,
Beverly Stickley
Women's Empowerment Coach, Theta Healer Practitioner & Author
Skype: bev.stickley
Tel: 902-471-4062
Schedule a 20 Minute Clarity Session with Me Below or a 60 Minute Intuitive Theta Healing Session:

Your Body Is Giving You the Answers You Seek, Still Your Mind and Listen to this Powerful Guidance!

Everyday Set One, to Guide Your Actions and Align Your Thoughts with What You want to Achieve!

What you focus on gets stronger! Focus on the Good Things!