At Divine Healing Energy, we are focused on providing you with an energetic enhancing experience.
The holistic healing focus is on healing the body, mind and spirit and Empowering You - " To Love Yourself from the Inside Out". Benefiting you to Live a Happy, Healthy, Joyful and Abundant Life! This healing takes place at the Theta brainwave, DNA and Soul Level and has a powerful ripple effect to your vibe-rational frequency you are sending out and what you attracting to you!
These services have developed with Beverly’s passion for spirituality, self-love, and self-empowerment over the past 25 years.
Beverly’s background stems from a Psychology Degree, Nursing Diploma, Acupuncture Certificate, EFT Level 3, Reiki Master Practitioner, Intuitive Energy Mastery Certificate, Energy Scan Healer Practitioner and Advanced DNA Theta Healer Practitioner.
Additionally with a plenitude of retreats, spiritual and energetic development courses.
She offers you the highest levels of customer satisfaction – she will inspire, guide and empower you to attain your goals and manifest your dreams.
Ask, hope, and believe that all things are possible with theta and holistic healing by a professional Theta and Reiki master practitioner at Divine Healing Energy in Halifax, NS!
Look around the website and if you have any comments or questions, please feel free to contact Beverly.
Check back later for new Wellness Articles and Women's Empowerment blog updates!
Beverly A. Stickley
Women's Empowerment Coach, Theta Healer Practitioner and Author
Why Me?
Why Me?
Each of us has a unique set of divine qualities that sets us apart from everyone. It is your divine right to shine brightly! There will never again be another YOU!
I AM...here to Passionately Serve, Guide and Inspire YOU!